Meditation is such a wonderful thing. I had been asking myself, “What’s missing?” There is always a new perspective and new understanding. There was something more that I could feel. I could just barely put my finger on it. Something that was obvious but still hidden to me.
While my husband and I were in Ireland in April of 2010, we were on a spiritual quest. We visited some of the sacred sites throughout Ireland. I had a very personal experience while at one of the sites. I’ll save the details for a later date, but 3 days after that experience I had a vision during a meditation of the totem. I want to say that they are my animal spirit guides, but they tell me that they are all of our animal spirit guides. I told my daughter, the artist of the family, what I saw and she drew the picture for me. The detail she put in was amazing.
Take a look at the picture of the Totem.
Well I did not know what to do with this picture. So I asked. Well 3 days later, again while in meditation, all of a sudden I had to start writing. All this ‘stuff’ started coming to me. I like to believe the animals were guiding me.
They told me what they represent. They are the three levels of consciousness. The Wolf is our conscious self. This is where the ego resides. He tells me not to be afraid of him or the ego. He is our cunning and planning self. He thinks fast on his feet, always looking ahead and preparing for the future. He also tells me that most are a slave to him. He has become the ruler of the 3. But he wants to be trained and used for the highest good. So ask your inner Wolf; are you a slave to your Wolf, or do you train your conscious self to serve your highest good?
Then we have the Rat. The Rat represents our subconscious self. It is blind and believes EVERYTHING the Wolf tells it. It is also connected to every Rat on the planet. The Rat only knows right NOW. You cannot talk to the Rat about the past or future. The Rat is what Carl Jung refers to as the Collective Unconscious or what Eckhart Tolle calls the Pain Body. This is where we are all connected.
Next is the Hawk. The Hawk has only one eye; the third eye. It represents our Higher Self. The message from the Hawk is to not limit ourselves. It’s like we’ve become so afraid to soar. Take flight and be open to the possibilities.
It all became very clear to me! It’s amazing what the Universe will reveal to you when you ask and then open yourself up for the answers. It’s the secret of three! Because this whole process started in Ireland with my personal experience, I decided to look up the word secret in Irish or Gaelic. The word for Secret is Runda with an accent on the u. This is where Rúnda 3™ was born!
I developed a class called Rúnda 3™ teaching the secrets of the 3 levels of consciousness. Rúnda 3™ is a complete system for those in the healing arts to heal themselves and others, and to connect with their individual psychic gifts. When we learn how to use the 3 levels and how they communicate, we open ourselves up to healing ourselves and others and opening up our individual intuitive/psychic gifts.
By taking a Rúnda 3™ class, you will learn:
* What the Rúnda 3 symbol means
• The 3 parts of Consciousness
• The 3 parts of the Body
• How these are connected and how to use them
• The Energy Bodies and how they communicate
• The 3 part Breath
• How Runda 3™ is very different and beyond the teachings of the Law of Attraction
• The 3 step formula to manifestation
• How learning these steps leads to Psychic Development
• The 3 states of awareness (brain waves)
• The 3 steps of protection
Who would benefit from taking this class?
* All Lightworkers
• Reiki Practitioners (All Levels)
• Energy Healers of all backgrounds
• Anyone in the Healing Arts (i.e. massage therapists)
• Anyone interested in healing themselves and loved ones
• Students of the Law of Attraction and find they have hit a wall
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Rúnda 3™ Practitioner Lecture December 14th
Tuesday, December 14th at 7pm
Kendall LOA Meetup Group
Oswego, IL
Join us for a lecture by Denise Van Vliet on December 14th at 7pm, she will be discussing the Rúnda 3™ Practitioner training:
It's $3 for this Meetup to help cover the cost of the space.
By taking a Rúnda 3™ Practitioner training, you will learn:
- What the Rúnda 3 symbol means
- The 3 parts of Consciousness
- The 3 parts of the Body
- How these are connected and how to use them
- The Energy Bodies and how they communicate
- The 3 part Breath
- How Runda 3™ is very different and beyond the teachings of the Law of Attraction
- The 3 step formula to manifestation
- How learning these steps leads to Psychic Development
- The 3 states of awareness (brain waves)
- The 3 steps of protection
Who should take this course?
All Lightworkers
Reiki Practitioners (All Levels)
Energy Healers of all backgrounds
Anyone in the Healing Arts (ie massage therapists)
Anyone interested in healing themselves and loved ones
Students of the Law of Attraction that find they have 'hit a wall'
Anyone wanting to expand their psychic gifts
Rúnda 3™ is a complete system for those in the healing arts to heal themselves and others, and to connect with their individual psychic gifts.
This 4 hour class is normally $120. This is a special offer for this group only. Only $75 to take your psychic development and healing gifts to a whole new level!
Kendall LOA Meetup Group
Oswego, IL
Join us for a lecture by Denise Van Vliet on December 14th at 7pm, she will be discussing the Rúnda 3™ Practitioner training:
It's $3 for this Meetup to help cover the cost of the space.
By taking a Rúnda 3™ Practitioner training, you will learn:
- What the Rúnda 3 symbol means
- The 3 parts of Consciousness
- The 3 parts of the Body
- How these are connected and how to use them
- The Energy Bodies and how they communicate
- The 3 part Breath
- How Runda 3™ is very different and beyond the teachings of the Law of Attraction
- The 3 step formula to manifestation
- How learning these steps leads to Psychic Development
- The 3 states of awareness (brain waves)
- The 3 steps of protection
Who should take this course?
All Lightworkers
Reiki Practitioners (All Levels)
Energy Healers of all backgrounds
Anyone in the Healing Arts (ie massage therapists)
Anyone interested in healing themselves and loved ones
Students of the Law of Attraction that find they have 'hit a wall'
Anyone wanting to expand their psychic gifts
Rúnda 3™ is a complete system for those in the healing arts to heal themselves and others, and to connect with their individual psychic gifts.
This 4 hour class is normally $120. This is a special offer for this group only. Only $75 to take your psychic development and healing gifts to a whole new level!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Free Runda 3 Presentation at the Peace Center
Rúnda 3™ Practitioner Training!!!
Date: August 29th, 2010
Time: 1pm
Hosted by:
The Peace Center
6833 Stanley Avenue
Berwyn, IL 60402
Phone: 708-749-8888
Free one hour lecture by Denise Van Vliet, she will be discussing the Rúnda 3™ Practitioner training:
- What the Rúnda 3 symbol means
- The 3 parts of Consciousness
- The 3 parts of the Body
- How these are connected and how to use them
- The Energy Bodies and how they communicate
- The 3 part Breath
- How Runda 3™ is very different and beyond the teachings of the Law of Attraction
- The 3 step formula to manifestation
- How learning these steps leads to Psychic Development
- The 3 states of awareness (brain waves)
- The 3 steps of protection
Who should take this course?
All Lightworkers
Reiki Practitioners (All Levels)
Energy Healers of all backgrounds
Anyone in the Healing Arts (ie massage therapists)
Anyone interested in healing themselves and loved ones
Students of the Law of Attraction
Anyone wanting to expand their psychic gifts
Rúnda 3™ is a complete system for those in the healing arts to heal themselves and others, and to connect with their individual psychic gifts.
**Please note: this is not the full Rúnda 3™ class. This is for informational purposes only.**
Date: August 29th, 2010
Time: 1pm
Hosted by:
The Peace Center
6833 Stanley Avenue
Berwyn, IL 60402
Phone: 708-749-8888
Free one hour lecture by Denise Van Vliet, she will be discussing the Rúnda 3™ Practitioner training:
- What the Rúnda 3 symbol means
- The 3 parts of Consciousness
- The 3 parts of the Body
- How these are connected and how to use them
- The Energy Bodies and how they communicate
- The 3 part Breath
- How Runda 3™ is very different and beyond the teachings of the Law of Attraction
- The 3 step formula to manifestation
- How learning these steps leads to Psychic Development
- The 3 states of awareness (brain waves)
- The 3 steps of protection
Who should take this course?
All Lightworkers
Reiki Practitioners (All Levels)
Energy Healers of all backgrounds
Anyone in the Healing Arts (ie massage therapists)
Anyone interested in healing themselves and loved ones
Students of the Law of Attraction
Anyone wanting to expand their psychic gifts
Rúnda 3™ is a complete system for those in the healing arts to heal themselves and others, and to connect with their individual psychic gifts.
**Please note: this is not the full Rúnda 3™ class. This is for informational purposes only.**
Friday, May 14, 2010
Who Should Take This Course?
All Lightworkers
Reiki Practitioners (All Levels)
Energy Healers of all backgrounds
Anyone in the Healing Arts (ie massage therapists)
Anyone interested in healing themselves and loved ones
Students of the Law of Attraction and find they have hit a wall
Reiki Practitioners (All Levels)
Energy Healers of all backgrounds
Anyone in the Healing Arts (ie massage therapists)
Anyone interested in healing themselves and loved ones
Students of the Law of Attraction and find they have hit a wall
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The 3 Levels of Consciousness

This picture came to me during a meditation. It represents the 3 levels of consciousness. It also shows how they interact and work with each other.
During the practitioner training, you will have great understanding of the 3 levels of consciousness and how to use them for healing, clearing and manifestations.
What do you learn from a Rúnda 3™ Practitioner Training?
By taking a Rúnda 3™ Practitioner training, you will learn:
- What the Rúnda 3 symbol means
- The 3 parts of Consciousness
- The 3 parts of the Body
- How these are connected and how to use them
- The Energy Bodies and how they communicate
- The 3 part Breath
- How Runda 3™ is very different and beyond the teachings of
the Law of Attraction
- The 3 step formula to manifestation
- How learning these steps leads to Psychic Development
- The 3 states of awareness (brain waves)
- The 3 steps of protection
- What the Rúnda 3 symbol means
- The 3 parts of Consciousness
- The 3 parts of the Body
- How these are connected and how to use them
- The Energy Bodies and how they communicate
- The 3 part Breath
- How Runda 3™ is very different and beyond the teachings of
the Law of Attraction
- The 3 step formula to manifestation
- How learning these steps leads to Psychic Development
- The 3 states of awareness (brain waves)
- The 3 steps of protection
What is Rúnda 3™?
Rúnda 3™ is a complete system for those in the healing arts to heal themselves and others, and to connect with their individual psychic gifts.
Runda 3™ is a complete system for the 3 levels of consciousness; energy bodies; breathing; healing and psychic development.
The word Runda with the accent on the u comes from the Irish Gaelic word for Secret.
3 in numerology meaning completeness or wholeness.
Three (3)
The third dimension - we do things in threes so they will manifest in our physical realm.
It's roots stem from the meaning of multiplicity. Creative power; growth. Three is a moving forward of energy, overcoming duality, expression, manifestation and synthesis. Three is the first number to which the meaning "all" was given. It is The Triad, being the number of the whole as it contains the beginning, a middle and an end.
The power of three is universal and is the tripartide nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit. Notice the distinction that soul and spirit are not the same. They are not. Three is birth, life, death. It is the beginning, middle and end. Three is a complete cycle unto itself. It is past, present, future.
The symbol of three is the triangle. Three interwoven circles or triangles can represent the indissoluble unity of the three persons of the trinity. Others symbols using three are: trident, fleur-de-lis, trefoil, trisula, thunderbolt, and trigrams.
The astral or emotional body stays connected to the physically body for three days after death. There is scientific evidence that the brain, even when all other systems are failing takes three days to register complete shutdown.
There are 3 phases to the moon. Lunar animals are often depcited as 3 legged.
Three is the heavenly number, representing soul, as four represents body. Together the two equal seven (3+4=7 ) and form the sacred hebdomad. The 3x4=12 representing the signs of the Zodiac and months of the year.
Pythagorean three means completion.
There are three wishes, genies have three wishes, three leprecons, three prince or princesses, three witches, three weird sisters among others.
Runda 3™ is a complete system for the 3 levels of consciousness; energy bodies; breathing; healing and psychic development.
The word Runda with the accent on the u comes from the Irish Gaelic word for Secret.
3 in numerology meaning completeness or wholeness.
Three (3)
The third dimension - we do things in threes so they will manifest in our physical realm.
It's roots stem from the meaning of multiplicity. Creative power; growth. Three is a moving forward of energy, overcoming duality, expression, manifestation and synthesis. Three is the first number to which the meaning "all" was given. It is The Triad, being the number of the whole as it contains the beginning, a middle and an end.
The power of three is universal and is the tripartide nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit. Notice the distinction that soul and spirit are not the same. They are not. Three is birth, life, death. It is the beginning, middle and end. Three is a complete cycle unto itself. It is past, present, future.
The symbol of three is the triangle. Three interwoven circles or triangles can represent the indissoluble unity of the three persons of the trinity. Others symbols using three are: trident, fleur-de-lis, trefoil, trisula, thunderbolt, and trigrams.
The astral or emotional body stays connected to the physically body for three days after death. There is scientific evidence that the brain, even when all other systems are failing takes three days to register complete shutdown.
There are 3 phases to the moon. Lunar animals are often depcited as 3 legged.
Three is the heavenly number, representing soul, as four represents body. Together the two equal seven (3+4=7 ) and form the sacred hebdomad. The 3x4=12 representing the signs of the Zodiac and months of the year.
Pythagorean three means completion.
There are three wishes, genies have three wishes, three leprecons, three prince or princesses, three witches, three weird sisters among others.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Introducing Runda 3™
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